Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Short Story - 811 Words
â€Å"Hello?†Harper answered. â€Å"Yes dear she will be fine with us here. Okay darling. Yes. Okay, see you tomorrow. Okay goodnight. Eva dear.†â€Å"Yes Mrs.Johnson?†I replied. â€Å"Your Mom is going to stay home for the night to make sure that the boys dont cause too much trouble. Tomorrow morning I will go and drop you off at your house.†â€Å"Okay, thank you for letting me stay here,†I replied â€Å"It is my pleasure Eva. Now you and Charlotte go run along and play while I make some dinner. Go on,†Mrs.Johnson told us as she takes out some pots and pans from the cabinets sitting above her. â€Å"Come on let’s go back to my room and then you can tell me all about that twin brother of yours,†Charlotte told me as she took my hand and†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I hope we could do this again sometime. I had endless fun with Charlotte and your family yesterday evening. Thank you and see you again someday, Mrs.Joh nson,†I told her with the biggest grin on my face. â€Å"Goodbye Eva. I sure hope I get to see you again soon,†she replied as she hugged me tightly before I made my way to the front door. I pick up my bag and start the long walk down the driveway while hearing the engine of Mrs. Johnson’s running behind me. In a mere matter of minutes I finally made it to the front porch of the house with Mrs. Johnson finally leaving the driveway to head back to her own lovely home just down the road. â€Å"I have to tell you something Eva.†â€Å"What is it Emery?†I asked. â€Å"Its about Mom and Dad. When I went to bed last night they were here, but when I woke up this morning they were missing. Gone. They didnt leave a note or anything. Its like they just disappeared without a trace!†My heart started to pound. â€Å"You dont think they just disappeared right.†â€Å"No I dont Eva. I think they were taken and killed. I found this in the kitchen, †Emery said as he showed me the note that he held in his hand. My heart started to beat furiously in my throat as I was holding back tears. The note read, â€Å"Monkey see, monkey do. I have been watching you. Find the rest of the the clues to find the secret room. Hurry, the clock is ticking, you dont have much time. So run around and dont fret, in the end all will be best.Show MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Characteristics †¢Short - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a single impression or effect.  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing personal experiences and prior knowledge to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words  | 5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words  | 8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. A short story like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), â€Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.†In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words  | 3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words  | 5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? In the short stories â€Å"Miss Brill†and â€Å"Frau Brechenmacher attends a wedding†written by Katherine Mansfield, the themes which are relevant to real life in Miss Brill are isolation and appearance versus reality. Likewise Frau Brechenmacher suffers through isolation throughout the story and also male dominance is one of the major themes that are highlighted in the story. These themes areRead MoreShort Story and People1473 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Title: Story Of An Hour Author: Kate Chopin I. On The Elements / Literary Concepts The short story Story Of An Hour is all about the series of emotions that the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard showed to the readers. With the kind of plot of this short story, it actually refers to the moments that Mrs. Mallard knew that all this time, her husband was alive. For the symbol, I like the title of this short story because it actually symbolizes the time where Mrs. Mallard died with joy. And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words  | 6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 W ords  | 6 Pages The End. In the short story, â€Å"Emma Barrett,†the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of eventsRead MoreRacism in the Short Stories1837 Words  | 7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words  | 7 PagesThe short stories â€Å"The Idol†by Adolfo Bioy Casares and â€Å"Axolotl†by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intr uding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In â€Å"Axolotl†, the narrator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. In
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Children Living From Single Parent Homes - 2148 Words
Children Living in Single Parent Homes Living life as a single parent can be a difficult task. You must be a good role model for both mother and father perspectives. Society portrays the perfect family on television as a family consisting of both the mother and father. However, they fail to show the effects when one of the parents is not present. There are pros and cons to living in a single parent household. Not having both parents could affect both the parent and the child, behavior of the child and how the community views the parents. Although these sound like problems they can also have positive impacts on the parents, the children, and society. Living with only one parent present can affect the child’s ability to perform simple tasks†¦show more content†¦Single parenting can not only affect the children but the parents as well. Single parents struggle daily to support their kids financially without a second parent’s income. For example, my mother had to work double shifts to be able to support me and my older brother. Parents find it difficult to handle basic financial needs alone. Even with support from the government, families with single parents can still have a hard time making ends meet. My mother ask my dad to pay child support. She told me and my older brother that it was not going to be easy but she was going to take care of us on her own. The financial help like child support when needed might not always be there. All the household responsibilities rely on one person instead of two cooking, tutoring and being a home maker. A parent must be ready for any situation that may arise, like a child getting sick or early dismissal of school. Whether you are sick, tired, or hurt the children still have to be cared for. Even though single parenting can be difficult, the rewards are far greater. One benefits are that as single parenting has become more socially accepted it is starting to get easier to find a job within their local community that will allow themShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of Single Parent Homes1394 Words  | 6 Pagesof single parent homes. As compared to over forty to fifty years ago, single-parent families are common in today’s world. A single parent is a parent with one or more children, who is not living with any of the children’s other parents. The percentage of children wh o live with two parents has been declining among all racial and ethnic groups throughout the years. It has been found that children in single-parent homes generally fare worse than those in homes with two parents. In today’s single parentRead MoreFamily Structures Are Extremely Varied In Today’S Society.1625 Words  | 7 PagesFamily structures are extremely varied in today’s society. Single-parent families are becoming increasingly common. Traditions have changed; men and women do not feel pressured to take care of responsibilities at home. Children are being left behind, without knowing how this will influence their lives. Mothers and fathers serve vital roles in the life of their kids. Individuals inherit many things from their parents such as; their personality, values, beliefs and some similarities in behavior. InRead MoreThe Single Parent Family Structural Environment And Economic Conditions Can Hinder The Development And Growth Of A Child936 Words  | 4 Pagesmany children live in homes where there is only one parent, commonly known as single-parent family. According to 2011 Canada Census Bureau information, the number of children living in single-parent households have gone up since 2001 and almost more than three quarters of these children aged 14 and under are living with single parent family headed by woman (Statistics Canada, 2011). Many times there is the absence of the father in these single-parent homes. Children living in such single parent homesRead MoreThe Academic And Social Challenges Of Children From Single Parent Homes1575 Words  | 7 Pagesof Children from Single Parent Homes Ball State University Jason Huffer EDPS 640 Dr. Eric Pierson 5/4/2016 Children of Single Parent Homes 2 Abstract The purpose of this current study is to highlight the growing academic concerns and difficult social challenges facing children who live in single parent homes. For this study I will focus on children nationwide. I will present data related to this topic on a couple different subject groups. These groups will include children of differentRead More How Children of Single Parent Families are Affected Essay1211 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of a Single Parent Home on a Childs Behavior The Family structure has changed significantly in the last fifty years. With higher percentages of marriage ending in divorce, and higher rates of childbearing out of wedlock, single parent families are increasing rapidly. â€Å"Seventy percent of all the children will spend all or part of their lives in a single-parent household.†(Dowd) Studies have shown that the children of these families are affected dramatically, both negativelyRead MoreSingle Parent Families Put Many Mental Effects on their Children1058 Words  | 5 PagesS. Census Bureau, claimed that out of 12.2 million single parent families in 2012, more than 80% were single mother parents. For a long time, there are many children that have grown up in a single-parent home. Kids who are raised by one parent seems almost impossible to them but have become more common in today’s society. Regardless of the situation, children who grow up in a household with one biological parent instead of two biologica l parents are often more susceptible to risks that can be harmfulRead MoreFamily Is The Fundamental Unit Of Society And Today It Is Used With A Wide Variety Of Meanings979 Words  | 4 Pagesmeanings (2014). In 2007, single-parent families make up thirty-two percent of the population (Benokraitis, 2012). As more adult remain single into their thirties and divorce rates are higher, the number of children living in single-parent families has increased (Benokraitis, 2012). The number of never married people has gone up form four percent in 1960 to forty-three percent in 2010 (Benokraitis, 2012). Women also run an over whelming eighty-seven percent of single-parent households in the UnitedRead MoreSingle Parent Vs Nuclear Family Essay847 Words  | 4 PagesSingle-Parent Families versus Nuclear Families Once in society, it was absurd not to have both parents take care of their children. Parenting, it is a piece of life many people grow up with, and the way it is done keeps changing over time. In today’s society, the two most popular trends in families follow, still, the nuclear family, but now, also the single-parent family dynamic. The single-parent home and nuclear family may seem like they are quite similar, but they do have their differences. 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All these categories are things that come up in every study done to figure out whether a juvenile is affected by its environment. The first category of discussion is family disruption. This can be considered parents divorcing
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Business Model of Twitter Social Media
Question: Describe about the Business Model of Twitter for Social Media. Answer: Introduction The continuous evolution of the software services with the advent of technology in various segments of the human life have made the survival of the older companies challenging thus making evolution the necessity of life (Smith Fischer and Yongjian 2012). In order to understand the need of the revenue and the various impacts of advertising forces upon the social media sites, this paper aims to scrutinize the various aspects of charging the individual customers of twitter. In an effort to understand the impact, the pros and the cons have been presented and finally recommendations were provided. Charging individual users of twitter Twitter is a social media site which allows user to share and post small messages of 140 words which are named tweets. As per the services provided by the website the registered users can both post and access tweets but an unregistered user can only read them(Twitter Help Center, 2016). The multi-sided users are those users who act as the mediator among two sides thus benefitting from both the sides. The micro blogging site has more than 200 million users who are active in a month and share more than double the tweets per day, thus making Twitter extremely lucrative to the advertisement of the business.But the recent trends of the market have been disappointing for the company as the market share of the organization has been trading below the IPO(, 2016). According to the report in Forbes (2016), the website is neither easy to use nor is user friendly but the usage of the site by the affluent class of the society has made is hold the gates of the company, which is closing f ast. So twitter can be seen more as a PR site rather than which allows people to share and be heard. According to a report in Techcrunch (2009), the company was about to charge other companies for accessing elite services that will be carved out for them, but was eventually cancelled. There are various advantages and disadvantages of charging the users who use the website which will be discussed in the later section. Advantages of charging individual users There are various advantages of charging the services of social media site which ranges from better user base to safety of the child, etc. which have been presented below (Bolton et al. 2013). Quality of services Since the user of the websites provide the necessary monetary help for the upkeep and the maintenance of the website, the quality of the services are better compared to the free websites where the users have little say in the various matters(Silverthorne, 2016). Ad Free websites The revenue of the websites are generated from the advertisements that are done on the website by a thorough understanding of the users, which is often very annoying, paying money for the websites will help eliminate such advertisements. User data will not be scrutinised As there wont be any interest of the website to generate revenue through advertisement, the data mining will not be used for understanding the user behaviour and pattern (Russell 2013). More responsible users Since the services are paid only the serious users, who are interested in website will pay, thus creating a more responsible user base for the website, thus reducing the potential misuse by people and child (Fuchs 2013). Disadvantages of charging individual users There are various disadvantages of charging the services of the social media site which will not only hamper the number of user but will also create more addicted user base for the website. Reduced amount of user Although the user base of the paid services are more stable compared to the free ones, the amount of user for the free services is always larger compared to the paid ones, thus reducing the consumer base (Stephen and Galak 2012). Information can still be traded for money Although the paid services suffice all the financial needs of the website, still the data available on the website could be traded to useful information. Paid users are more serious The paid users of the websites are more serious about the website and tend to be more possessive thus creating more addiction that might be extremely harmful (Tuten and Solomon 2014). Recommendations It is highly recommended that the social media website should charge its user for using the services of the website. This will not only reduce the dependency of the website on the advertisers and will allow the website to focus on the services that are to be provided to the consumers. Also the lesser extent of data mining will also ensure that the privacy of the user is well maintained and is not compromised to suit the need of the advertisers. The paid services will attract only the responsible user into the site discouraging the minor out of these websites thus reducing various risks like virtual identity suicide, psychological effects of the websites, online bullying, trolling. Paying for using the services of Twitter will allow in creation of a close group which is more responsible for the actions and hence will help in reduction of social media malice which is now common to the present generation. Conclusion In the previous segments the various aspects of the paid twitter services have been discussed thus creating an opportunity to evaluate the impact of charging the services of the social media site.For understanding the impact on the various aspect of the society the advantages of charging the services and disadvantages of charging the services have been presented in detail. Finally the recommendations have been given for charging the services for Twitter have been suggested to ensure the various malice related to the free social media services could be contained. References Bolton, R.N., Parasuraman, A., Hoefnagels, A., Migchels, N., Kabadayi, S., Gruber, T., Komarova Loureiro, Y. and Solnet, D., 2013. Understanding Generation Y and their use of social media: a review and research agenda.Journal of Service Management,24(3), pp.245-267. (2016). Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov. 2016]. Fuchs, C., 2013.Social media: A critical introduction. Sage. Russell, M.A., 2013.Mining the Social Web: Data Mining Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, GitHub, and More. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.". Silverthorne, S. (2016). New Research Explores Multi-Sided Markets. [online] HBS Working Knowledge. Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov. 2016]. Smith, A.N., Fischer, E. and Yongjian, C., 2012. How does brand-related user-generated content differ across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter?.Journal of Interactive Marketing,26(2), pp.102-113. Stephen, A.T. and Galak, J., 2012. The effects of traditional and social earned media on sales: A study of a microlending marketplace.Journal of Marketing Research,49(5), pp.624-639. Tuten, T.L. and Solomon, M.R., 2014.Social media marketing. Sage. Twitter Help Center. (2016). Getting started with Twitter. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov. 2016]. Wauters, R. (2016). Twitter To Start Charging Companies For Having AnAccount?. [online] TechCrunch. Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov. 2016].
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Road Review Essay Example
The Road Review Paper Essay on The Road Quite by accident stumbled upon the library to the rack with the magazine Foreign Literature. Touched a couple, among which turned out to be a room with a Dear McCarthy said. These things work longed to read for a long time, but it was a pity to spend money on a book and as now I understand nothing. . The book is standing In general, when I heard about the film and the book, the first thought was: Fallout on paper!. I am a fan of the game, so it was doubly interesting to read. In the book, there is no super mutants and radiation, but the people who go along with the father and son on the same road, worse mutants (and even the raiders, probably) While reading the question arose, I asked McCarthy. How can you write about something that is already there? The world does not exist. How? All around us, vanished. There was a handful of people, including carrying the fire may be on the fingers to count. The sea is not blue, the sun is not shining in the sky hovering ash. Man and son go back to where it should be warm. Go only to live. We will write a custom essay sample on The Road Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Road Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Road Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Its hard to write a review, especially after watching the film, where there is no hope. Dad was alive just for the sake of his son, the son wants to go to my mother, but my father makes the childs love life, whatever it may be. Many powerful moments in which humanity is manifested: 6 day fast or try human flesh? Do a good deed or pass by the dying man? The most important thing, to prepare her son to his death, so he went ahead and carried only a fire in my heart. It is foolish to wait for clearance, while the world around day by day it only gets darker. McCarthy writes specifically dry language in order to show the hopelessness of the situation of humanity, but personally I have emerged a weeks supply of tears for reading a book and watching the movie. and there is no happy ending to this story is not. I love this world and do not want it to perish! Yesterday was, and could not stop looking at the blue sky and flowering trees The Road Review Essay Example The Road Review Paper Essay on The Road Quite by accident stumbled upon the library to the rack with the magazine Foreign Literature. Touched a couple, among which turned out to be a room with a Dear McCarthy said. These things work longed to read for a long time, but it was a pity to spend money on a book and as now I understand nothing. . The book is standing In general, when I heard about the film and the book, the first thought was: Fallout on paper!. I am a fan of the game, so it was doubly interesting to read. In the book, there is no super mutants and radiation, but the people who go along with the father and son on the same road, worse mutants (and even the raiders, probably) While reading the question arose, I asked McCarthy. How can you write about something that is already there? The world does not exist. How? All around us, vanished. There was a handful of people, including carrying the fire may be on the fingers to count. The sea is not blue, the sun is not shining in the sky hovering ash. Man and son go back to where it should be warm. Go only to live. We will write a custom essay sample on The Road Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Road Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Road Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Its hard to write a review, especially after watching the film, where there is no hope. Dad was alive just for the sake of his son, the son wants to go to my mother, but my father makes the childs love life, whatever it may be. Many powerful moments in which humanity is manifested: 6 day fast or try human flesh? Do a good deed or pass by the dying man? The most important thing, to prepare her son to his death, so he went ahead and carried only a fire in my heart. It is foolish to wait for clearance, while the world around day by day it only gets darker. McCarthy writes specifically dry language in order to show the hopelessness of the situation of humanity, but personally I have emerged a weeks supply of tears for reading a book and watching the movie. and there is no happy ending to this story is not. I love this world and do not want it to perish! Yesterday was, and could not stop looking at the blue sky and flowering trees
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